Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Princess Frog Design Contest

Stardoll is hosting another design contest. Its featuring The Princess and the Frog Movie by Disney. Their are 3 items, the princess's dress, crown and gloves. Plus, the items are non-SS AND sellable, so im going to be making tons of beautiful dresses!

For members who dont live in US.
Log in to stardoll with :  schoolunlook.info to get the crown in your suite.
To use the stardesign: use manual proxy port 80

proxys from medollmaster blog


  1. im glad this is here!!
    i need to get more SD's

    going to do some chores..
    btw im vinny1996 :) i cant believe im
    one of the top designers on the page
    lol is there a way to vote? i cant
    find out how

  2. I see pink gowns and crowns on starbazaar, but when i go to make my own, i dont get any pink colors. how did they get the pink?

  3. i havnt seen any pink gowns in the bazaar. can you show me?

  4. @LadyVenuz

    i found out. its the color you start with thats why. When you create your first design it starts out with a pink triangle and a red heart, some people just didnt change the color.

  5. I don't see where to vote. There is a blank white box next to the movie trailer. Is voting showing up there for anyone?

  6. Hey!cool
    I'am Erikakaka
    add me xD
