Free Enchanted Wedding Dress for people who are in Austria. All you have to do is create a scenery and submit it and the dress will appear in your suite! Everyone else in other countries who would like to receive this dress will have to use manual proxy from Austria.
Proxy: port:80
Go to: http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=155
From Underneath Stardoll
IMPORTANT: I noticed something that might help when you use proxies is clearing your cache after every use! If you use lots of proxies some info might stay on your computer. Like a memory. SO clearing your cache will help remove the memory of the previous proxy and make the new one from another country work.
whats the proxy called that u need to use???
proxy doesn't work
can you help me? I don't know how to put proxy on opera and my mozila doesn't work ;/
It doesn't work :(
I can't create the scenery :(
I can't get any proxy to work for me... not sure why. I can only use the proxy websites. Is there a way you could go on for me and get it? Please?
it's not working for me
T^T the manual proxy doesn't work with me
can u please find another way??
you need to clear your cache on your computer and retry. Maybe to many people are trying to access it and its blowing up the server. try another time. I tried it many times and it eventually worked for me and im fron US. so please be patient or find another proxy.
It doesn't work :x
YAY!!! It worked!
YAY I GOT IT THANKS SO MUCH TO THIS CLUB!!!!! if it doesnt work after you have refreashed it heaps try again a few hours later because thats what i did and it worked. I am Scamper848 on stardoll. I hope the rest of you can get it!!!
how do you clear yout cache?
I got it :D
thank you very much and if it doesn't work try it again and again and again. I hope it also works for the other people.
Clear Cache in FireFox
Tools > Options > Privacy tab >> Private Data >> Press "Clear Now"
then press OK
Do you need to delete everything? or just your cookies or browsing history or ..?
thx for the tips :)
It never loads & I did it right.
I use internet explorer.
If you e-mail me at smiley3355@yahoo.com
what I can do I will pay you back.
Please help :(
yep it works ;)
I can come to the page but it doesn't works.. :(
T.Y for tip. It worked :)
Mine deletes the "cache, cookies and authenticated sessions."
how do u clear the cahce on internet explorer?
please help want it so bad
rubyann(sd username)
Clear cache in Internet Explorer
Tools > internet Options >> General Tab > Under "browsing history" press delete
It worked for mee!!! Thanks...
Are you sure it won't hack my account?
The proxy doesn't work !!
Can anyone help me get it? :)
I tryed it on both firefox and internett, but it won't load...
Ok so i did it :) then i clicked on the link and i did not see the dress so then i logged off then clicked the link ..then i saw it but it said you have to be signed in to save dress so i signed in then it wus not their at all :) any help --> xoxbubblegumlol
please help me I dont know how to rab out the proxys in my computer pliss help meee I am sooooo worried my stardolll name is sofuu_12 can you answer this question on my book of stardoll? plissss
i just check it today and its uber slow, but still works. So im going to tell you step by step and hopefully it will help you ;)
Hopefully your using firefox.
1. first close all stardoll windows in your broswer. Just have this blog open of course for instructions.
2. Next, clear your cache and history.
3. Now, change to the manual proxy address provided. after you hit ok.
4. Click the link provided to get the dress. In firefox it should open in a new tab. it might be super slow to fully load, but just wait and let it.
5. Once you see the page loaded with the contest and dress, then you log in.
6. once your logged in you can make the scenery and save it. once all is complete, go to your suite.
7. if its not too slow you may see the gift box in your suite. Then you log off change your proxy back the way it was and log on the way you normally do.
this should work so i hope your able to get it.
it worked for me! thanks!!
MadMacMom here, got to the page it had a BIG red box on the top and a picture of the dress to the bottom right. Couldn't create a scenery or anything else. Usually these things work for me, but not this time. Oh well, no big deal.
i got it for my non ss account zaixi =) but my ss account zaixhi cant get it anymore. i got only the hat and shoes..maybe because it is 1 enchanted dress for one computer used in the proxy? what do u think?
zaixi and zaixhi
It`s too slow. :(
Biscuit_head20 : It doesnt work for me :/
i tried alot of different proxies BUT no luck..
Oh well..
Hi, I'm from South Carolina, and I have a friend who is is looking for such information. Can I copy and give it to him?
Well, I had a different opinion before I have raed your post, but I think I will change it now, cause only "The foolish and the dead never change their opinions."
coollll ............yaaaaaaaaaa
?does it still work
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