Dollz Who Luv Us

Reply from Stardoll about the scenery glitch

My original post about the glitch involved a picture looking like this: 

I sent the Stardoll staff a message about it and I got a reply! This is what I received:

I hope it get's fixed soon! 

For those who sent Stardoll a message, did you get a reply?
Do you ever get a reply from Stardoll and if so, how long does it take?



faux.fuchsia said...

I'm glad your message got through to them - maybe now they'll do something about it. I'm pretty sure I sent two about a week ago, and I got no response.

Anonymous said...


Wow! Really?
I feel like ever since I've been Superstar more often, Stardoll actually reply to me!

faux.fuchsia said...

Huh, that's strange. And bad if it's true.

I'm Royalty, they didn't answer me. I guess they were just busy at the time I posted my glitch complaints (:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I posted a problem with them like ages ago, and it took the 2 years to reply! I mean, I know their busy, but not THAT busy!

Anonymous said...

it only pretty much takes them like 12 hours or so to send them. SERIOUSLY? and its true when you turn into a superstar you get lots of attention.

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