COVER Magazine has released their Fall Issue and wow, its awesome! Not only are the graphics great, but so are the articles. To tell you the truth i never read articles in these kind of magazines because there is always so much text and its overwhelming to look at, imagine having to read it. Honestly, this magazine was total opposite the graphics around the text drew me in and made me want to read it. There are articles about stardoll members, make up tips, history on designer bags, tips about boys, its the whole package. I'm completely in love with this magazine. Great job gals! I'm looking forward to the next issue.
The graphics and all look good, but it seems a bit too "adult"(if u know what I mean) to be a stardoll magazine ... xxx
I think its like a porn magazine
incredible pictures!
This reminds me of a Victoria's secrect Magazine.
Wow, they are great! dont get me wrong..but they show to much skin and cleavege for younger kids. It remines me of a porn magazine or website.
The graphics are amazing but i dont think that its very appropiate for a stardoll magizine even though its just animaton. I really love it, I do but it its just to much skin showing.
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