UPDATE: Working UK proxy: and 80
Thanks star-kamilla
This is week 7 for moodie wear clothes, which is the last week sadly. Loved up is the "mood" for this final week. The winners of this stardesign contest will receive "loads" of stardollars acccording to stardoll and have there designs in starplaza for everyone to buy or they may be free, but im not really sure. Im not a big fan of this weeks clothes though. The belt is kinda cute and the sweater is ok, but i have a few CHANEL purses left from last week though; if anyone wants one just stop in my bazaar.
Oh yea, does anyone have any new fresh UK proxies?
1 year ago
How to make a design (it cannot show me the design shop)? any proxy site or what?
The clothes are alright could be better
Y'know and 80 =]
Hello. I love your designs, they're always stunning !Do you accept requests? If so, here is mine.
Something from the new moodi wear, like the sweater or the shirt. I don't know a lot of your patterns, could you give me an option plz ?
Thx . Stephrockcool
you can check out my suite right now i have sequin, Louis Vuitton and Chanel Designs.
All in different colors, so check it out maybe youll like something ;)
How can i these moodie war designs
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