Its alittle late into April, but i havent forgot about the talented designers on stardoll! I met
debbiecat4 a few months back and recognized that she was a very nice respectful lady. I didnt know she was older till i read her presentation, to my surprise she was 50 years old! I thought wow thats so amazing how so many different age groups can be attracted to the same site...LOL. Besides her being and older woman she also is one of the most talented members on stardoll. I know almost everyone wants to know
how to make text on a shirt because i believe its one of the hardest things to create in
stardesign, but
debbiecat4 can say almost anything on shirt like its a piece of cake. I truely admire her for that talented. I dont even have the patients to create letters, especially those S's, theyre a pain in the butt...LOL. Im definitely rusty in that department. Well all i have to say is speak out with
debbiecat4's Text Tees!
Oh yes and check out her suite! Its absolutely gorgeous!